Custom Searchattributes

Thanks, @tihomir, that is the best way to connect, getting the Temporal server address from the static config and setting the environment variable TEMPORAL_CLI_ADDRESS with that address.

Listing the workflow executions:

/etc/temporal $ export TEMPORAL_CLI_ADDRESS=temporal:7233
/etc/temporal $ tctl wf la
  WORKFLOW TYPE |       WORKFLOW ID        |                RUN ID                | TASK QUEUE | START TIME | EXECUTION TIME | END TIME  
  SignupFlow    | hbSCN5evEbgrdhjj8OfV06ab | 520ba6bb-3be6-4fcd-bda8-89170f4d4580 | signups    | 20:27:49   | 20:27:49       | 20:31:42  
  SignupFlow    | 4ozyxGScZ2izUi90JQqz7zvl | 948ac004-935f-42cc-9710-83071fb47a27 | signups    | 20:27:50   | 20:27:50       | 20:30:58  
  SignupFlow    | J1A7WV5RAZ9YdPRVlIE6tkxC | ed46607c-55eb-44f2-b494-fd2de74bb14c | signups    | 20:24:27   | 20:24:27       | 20:30:58  
  SignupFlow    | RtUiefJU20nl06c3tOFcjaYg | fe955096-9ab3-40a6-8ea9-d777b78d2707 | signups    | 20:23:59   | 20:23:59       | 20:29:00  
  SignupFlow    | 0ZrxOQIuSdZcJud34i7IBWGB | 7afaa571-e2b9-4276-aad1-44052bb68e26 | signups    | 20:23:52   | 20:23:52       | 20:28:54  
  SignupFlow    | z5KY5llvY5aBzCiLKYe52GQ9 | 4f2fce0b-84a7-4b79-959d-7376a5ec21d4 | signups    | 20:00:47   | 20:00:47       | 20:00:57  
  SignupFlow    | soKLjGLb648OBSsaIFWjgKl8 | cbc64048-c035-4c53-a230-a8c4d8e0f674 | signups    | 19:47:18   | 19:47:18       | 19:50:14  
  SignupFlow    | ig3KdCA8XTwUp4teWLToDt8Y | 24921a2b-3963-4297-820d-bd307c833ef1 | signups    | 19:47:07   | 19:47:07       | 19:49:14  
  SignupFlow    | 5MYqugHAUL9zxKW1su4qz7Sd | 56d71a21-edd4-49ca-a4b5-a76046393d97 | signups    | 16:39:59   | 16:39:59       | 18:43:56  
  SignupFlow    | hySKOofE8UJawFeyNlrtHS7t | 63af5a8f-f75b-411b-bc1b-dd29b395ab91 | signups    | 16:40:27   | 16:40:27       | 18:43:51  
  SignupFlow    | MLIreidmqv6Wh9IyLCGtmb63 | 822415bb-f856-498f-a218-ffbd94c3de17 | signups    | 16:55:14   | 16:55:14       | 18:43:47  
  SignupFlow    | LH0ixwnILCpkWE3CsZVMWqSo | 9616c2ed-0e82-41e7-aae8-df13cfbeb485 | signups    | 18:20:07   | 18:20:07       | 18:21:08  
  SignupFlow    | kfth9NwvsnHn3QVylxs8w32R | 62ffe40b-1cdc-48d4-a05e-d9ef974124de | signups    | 12:54:15   | 12:54:15       | 16:38:06  
  SignupFlow    | wyLpmBgi4mFA6B7EFjYiRcEs | 7d63638f-8887-4aac-9580-c5d6d03d5054 | signups    | 12:45:26   | 12:45:26       | 16:35:33  
  SignupFlow    | 01mng7wWZEWbthbA5p7fAydt | abd51dee-10ac-4ed0-bce2-01b741ac8b61 | signups    | 12:37:46   | 12:37:46       | 16:23:21

Now I’m able to set the custom search attributes:

/etc/temporal $ tctl --auto_confirm admin cluster add-search-attributes --name Username --type Text
You are about to add search attributes [Username:Text]. Continue? Y/N y
Custom search attributes:
|        NAME         |   TYPE   |
| CustomBoolField     | Bool     |
| CustomDatetimeField | Datetime |
| CustomDoubleField   | Double   |
| CustomIntField      | Int      |
| CustomKeywordField  | Keyword  |
| CustomStringField   | Text     |
| CustomTextField     | Text     |
| Username            | Text     |