Difference between workflowClient.newWorkflowStub and Workflow.newExternalWorkflowStub

I’m trying to send a signal to Go workflow from a java activity. But I get

“trace”: "java.lang.Error: Called from non workflow or workflow callback thread\n\tat io.temporal.internal.sync.DeterministicRunnerImpl.currentThreadInternal(DeterministicRunnerImpl.java...

I am able to send a signal from Go to Java, but I’m not able to do the reverse.

I tried this

ExternalWorkflowStub externalWorkflowStub = Workflow.newUntypedExternalWorkflowStub("simple_workflow-go");

I’m not sure this is correct, because I think I’d have to pass runId of the workflow in Go which is waiting for the signal

I’ve created a topic here: