Exposing grpc Frontend via ALB

To health check Temporal services you can use grpc-health-probe, for example:

./grpc-health-probe -addr=ADDRESS:PORT -service=temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.WorkflowService

(you can also use cli for this):
tctl --address localhost:7233 cluster health

Matching service:
./grpc-health-probe -addr=ADDRESS:PORT -service=temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.MatchingService

History service:
./grpc-health-probe -addr=ADDRESS:PORT -service=temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.HistoryService

Worker service does not currently expose a health check endpoint.

For LB, do you have SSL pass through enabled? Not AWS expert but it should be able to receive gRPC requests and forward them to your frontend service(s) (7233 default port).