Is it good practice to share workflow data between @WorkflowMethod and @UpdateMethod by using instance variables?

Let’s say I have this workflow interface

public interface IPlanWorkflow {
  void run(IPlanWorkflowInput input);
  boolean applyPlanApprovalDecision(PlanApprovalDecision decision);

In the @UpdateMethod I want to run some activities that read data produced by activities executed in the @WorkflowMethod and also write data that other activities in the @WorkflowMethod will read once the @UpdateMethod is completed.
Is it good practice to use instance variables to share data between the two “scopes”?

public class PlanWorkflow implements IPlanWorkflow{
  Plan planningActivityOutput = null;
  PlanApprovalDecision decision = null;
  // ... activity stubs omitted...

  void run(IPlanWorkflowInput input) {
     this.plan = planningActivity.createPlan(input);
     Workflow.await(() -> Objects.nonNull(planApprovalDecision));   
     // do something with planApprovalDecision value
  boolean applyPlanApprovalDecision(PlanApprovalDecision decision) {
  // try catch and lock unlock omitted for brevity
    if (this.plan.matchesConditionFromDecision(decision)) {
       // do something 
       this.planApprovalDecision = decision;
       return true;


Yes, using instance fields is the recommended approach for sharing data between different workflow functions.