Passing Activity Stub to (other) Activity Method Blows Call Stack

Yes – the business logic is to get live data from our workflow execution while it is running – ideally we would be able to get a stream of the logs from the process using a query method. As for code, I have a snippet:

[within workflow class implementation] 
private val singerActivities: SingerActivityInterface = Workflow
private val singerActivityCallback: SingerActivityCallBackInterface =
                    .java, ActivityOptions.newBuilder()
............. [within Workflow method] ..................
singerResult = singerActivities.tapToTarget(singerConfig,
                    singerActivityCallback, singerResult)

Inside of the tapToTarget method, there are calls to a method to process the logs line-by-line and in each line, a method from singerActivityCallback is called. In practice, though, this causes a stack overflow error