Springboot microservices managed by Temporal.io + RabbitMQ

Great solution!
Fits perfectly with what I want to achieve.
I have only one last doubt.
How can I call an activity present on another from one microservice?
When I register my workflow implementations in the worker, I also need to define the activities associated with it.
Being decoupled, how could I make it happen?
In my POC, I realized this with only a Springboot Application and I’ve all the references inside my prj:


public class WorkerManager {

    public WorkerManager() {
      WorkflowServiceStubs service = WorkflowServiceStubs.newInstance();
      WorkflowClient client = WorkflowClient.newInstance(service);
      WorkerFactory factory = WorkerFactory.newInstance(client);

      Worker firstWorker = factory.newWorker("FIRST_TASK_QUEUE");
      firstWorker .registerWorkflowImplementationTypes(FirstWorkflowImpl.class);
      firstWorker .registerActivitiesImplementations(new FirstActivityImpl());

      Worker secondWorker = factory.newWorker("SECOND_TASK_QUEUE");
      secondWorker .registerWorkflowImplementationTypes(SecondWorkflowImpl.class);
      secondWorker .registerActivitiesImplementations(new SecondActivityImpl());


Workflow Impl

public class FirstWorkflowImplimplements FirstWorkflow {

ActivityOptions options = ActivityOptions.newBuilder()

private final FirstActivity activity= Workflow.newActivityStub(FirstActivity.class, options);

public void executionWorkflow(Object someParams) {

firstWorker .registerActivitiesImplementations(new FirstActivityImpl());
private final FirstActivity activity= Workflow.newActivityStub(FirstActivity.class, options);

How can i implement this kind of highlighted initialization in the architecture definited above?
Could you give me an example?
Thank you so much for your help, it was very valuable!