"13 INTERNAL: Received RST_STREAM with code 2 triggered by internal client error: 000C580302000000:error:0A000415:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:

Hi everyone :hugs:

We’re currently using Temporal Cloud for our environment. We’re loving it!

But since a couple of hours ago, we haven’t been able to connect in all of our environments (staging and production)

We’re receiving this error:
“13 INTERNAL: Received RST_STREAM with code 2 triggered by internal client error: 000C580302000000:error:0A000415:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert certificate expired:…/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1586:SSL alert number 45\n”

We believe our certificate is in place and valid. We created them through the Google Cloud console.

We don’t know if it’s a change in our end or temporal’s

Has anyone experienced the same thing? Does anyone have any ideas?

We’re currently using TypeScript’s SDK 1.10.2 (latest version).

We found out that our temporal client certificate (this one is different from the one in the server) did expire.

We are generating a new one.

Yep. So the problem is fixed.

For those warriors in the future:
Since Temporal connects with certificates, you must verify that the client and the private key have valid dates.

These may be different!