Greetings - we’ve just created an AWS Lambda which runs some dotnet 8 code that signals workflows with the Temporal Dotnet SDK. However I think we’ve hit a rust/platform issue. The Temporal client fails to connect with the error below. Credentials are fine, the code works on alternative dotnet environments, and Lambdas deployed the same way but written with the Python SDK do not seem to be affected. I think the default AWS dotnet lambda runtime image is here - has anyone encountered this? What are our options to circumvent the issue?
System.InvalidOperationException: Connection failed: Server connection error: tonic::transport::Error(Transport, hyper::Error(Connect, Custom { kind: InvalidData, error: InvalidCertificate(UnknownIssuer) }))
at Temporalio.Bridge.Client.ConnectAsync(Runtime runtime, TemporalConnectionOptions options)
at Temporalio.Client.TemporalConnection.GetBridgeClientAsync()
at Temporalio.Client.TemporalConnection.InvokeRpcAsync[T](RpcService service, String rpc, IMessage req, MessageParser`1 resp, RpcOptions options)
at Temporalio.Client.WorkflowService.StartWorkflowExecutionAsync(StartWorkflowExecutionRequest req, RpcOptions options)
at Temporalio.Client.TemporalClient.Impl.StartWorkflowInternalAsync[TWorkflow,TResult](StartWorkflowInput input)
at Temporalio.Client.TemporalClient.Impl.StartWorkflowAsync[TWorkflow,TResult](StartWorkflowInput input)
at Temporalio.Client.TemporalClient.StartWorkflowAsync(String workflow, IReadOnlyCollection`1 args, WorkflowOptions options)