Configure Multi-Cluster Replication with Temporal auto-setup Deployment?

I am deploying Temporal Server using the auto-setup script. I want to enable Multi-Cluster Replication but couldn’t find any configuration related to clusterMetadata.

Since auto-setup doesn’t seem to include multi-cluster setup options by default, I am unsure how to modify the configuration to achieve this.

Hello, @maxim @tihomir Is there any progress here? As my company, we need multi-cluster replication.

Yes, I saw it but I can’t configure it by using auto-setup. Is there any way I can configure it by using environment variables?

Support Environment Variable Substitution for clusterMetadata in Temporal Configuration Templates · Issue #6827 · temporalio/temporal · GitHub here is the Github issue I created.

This is an advanced experimental feature that doesn’t support auto-setup.