Consistent errors from matching service

I’m seeing these errors in a self-hosted temporal cluster:

* {"level":"info","ts":"2022-06-01T15:07:18.873Z","msg":"history client encountered error","service":"matching","error":"Workflow task already started.","service-error-type":"serviceerror.TaskAlreadyStarted","logging-call-at":"metricClient.go:638"}
* {"level":"info","ts":"2022-06-01T12:49:09.786Z","msg":"history client encountered error","service":"matching","error":"Activity task already started.","service-error-type":"serviceerror.TaskAlreadyStarted","logging-call-at":"metricClient.go:638"}

The history service is not reporting any errors. The starters/workers are not reporting errors. Hoping to better understand why these errors are occurring and how we can avoid them.

LMK if I can provide any additional information. Thanks!

Whats the server version you are using?

Do you see any issues with your workflow executions?

Workflow/Activity task already started

This error comes from history service and should be a benign issue (should not affect your workflow executions).
A task in a transfer task queue can be executed multiple times, the error log could happen when your app crashes before the activity task is persisted for example.

Do you see any other errors in history/matching/frontend services or db?

Hi @drew , where you able to get rid of those “Activity task already started.” error messages? Thanks