I’ve just started to work on Temporal so apologies in advance if this is answered elsewhere (I did google and look around in the forum).
I have successfully used go-sdk v1.16.0 to deploy and run workflows and activities and moved on to creating mutex-pattern using workflows based on this sample - samples-go/mutex at main · temporalio/samples-go · GitHub. While it does work, there is a constant delay in starting a scheduled worflow as illustrated by the picture from temporal’s Web UI below :
Also, the scheduler waits for the 1 min boundary for starting (so the next time a workflow could be potentially started, regardless when the “WorkflowTaskScheduled” kicks in, will be around UTC 17:29:28 based on prior runs.
This is probably limited information but hoping for some pointers from experienced members.
And if this is woefully insufficient data appreciate if you can help me gather the right data.