Dependency injection for ActivityStubs

I am working on a company project to migrate from an internal maintained old version of temporal (MrT) to the latest open sourced version.

I got some error like “Called from non workflow or workflow callback thread”, which I think is related to the restriction of calling Workflow.newActivityStub outside Workflow context. Below is an example, my project is using Dependency Injection extensively for ActivityStubs.

  static MyActivity myActivity() {
    return Workflow.newActivityStub(MyActivity.class);

I understand one possible solution is to migrate away from this and do something like:

new MyWorkflowImpl(Workflow.newActivityStub(MyActivity.class, activityOptions())))

But the problem is my project has 100+ Workflows and 30+ Activities. Also some workflowImpls have several layers indirect dependency on ActivityStub, such as MyWorkflowImpl → ClassA → ClassB → SomeActivityStubA, SomeActivityStubB.

To make changes to remove DI of ActivityStubs in the project would require a lot of changes (to the signature of many class constructors). I wonder are there any suggested ways (maybe more elegant) to handle this case?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @RJ88

I got some error like “Called from non workflow or workflow callback thread”, which I think is related to the restriction of calling Workflow.newActivityStub outside Workflow context.


Also some workflowImpls have several layers indirect dependency on ActivityStub, such as MyWorkflowImpl → ClassA → ClassB → SomeActivityStubA, SomeActivityStubB.

This should be fine if ClassA is an object that you instantiate in your workflow, what is the issue here?

  static MyActivity myActivity() {
    return Workflow.newActivityStub(MyActivity.class);

as it is written, I don’t think there is a way to make this work tbh.

Can you invoke myActivity as a “normal” method instead of as an ActivityStub


You could create your own implementation of the stubbed interface using dynamic proxy that would call Workflow.newActivityStub only when invoked from a workflow.

Thanks for the answer!

I feel I don’t fully understand it though. Could you plz provide some sample code to help me understand?

Below is something I can think of based on the answer. It throws exception when not init from Workflow context, but I don’t see how does it solve the problem, i.e. Dagger may call createActivityStub very early (before the creation of Workflow context).

public class WorkflowActivityProxyHandler implements InvocationHandler {
    private final Class<?> activityClass;

    public WorkflowActivityProxyHandler(Class<?> activityClass) {
        this.activityClass = activityClass;

    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
        if (Workflow.isWorkflowThread()) {
            Object activityStub = Workflow.newActivityStub(activityClass);
            return method.invoke(activityStub, args);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Called from non-workflow thread");

public class ActivityStubFactory {
    public static <T> T createActivityStub(Class<T> activityClass) {
        return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
            new Class<?>[]{activityClass},
            new WorkflowActivityProxyHandler(activityClass)

public class ActivityModule {

    static MyActivity myActivity() {
        return ActivityStubFactory.createActivityStub(MyActivity.class);

public interface MyWorkflow {
    void execute();

public class MyWorkflowImpl implements MyWorkflow {

    private final MyActivity myActivity;

    public MyWorkflowImpl(@Qualifiers.ActivityStub MyActivity myActivity) {
        this.myActivity = myActivity;

    public void execute() {

I think your code should work. Instantiating your dynamic handler outside of the workflow context is OK. The actual calls on the implemented interface happen inside a workflow context.

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verified. this is working. thanks!