Our cluster deployed using helm chart https://github.com/temporalio/helm-charts
When try to add a search attribute we got this error
bash-5.0# tctl --namespace default adm cl asa --search_attr_key OrderId2 --search_attr_type keyword
Are you trying to add key [OrderId2] with Type [Keyword]? Y/N y
Error: Add search attribute failed.
Error Details: rpc error: code = Internal desc = Failed to update dynamic config, err: failed to write config file, err: open /etc/temporal/dynamic_config/dynamic_config.yaml: read-only file system.
But after that we list it we do see OrderId2 got added
bash-5.0# tctl --namespace default cl get-search-attr
| BinaryChecksums | Keyword |
| CloseTime | Int |
| CustomBoolField | Bool |
| CustomDatetimeField | Datetime |
| CustomDoubleField | Double |
| CustomIntField | Int |
| CustomKeywordField | Keyword |
| CustomNamespace | Keyword |
| CustomStringField | String |
| Encoding | Keyword |
| ExecutionStatus | Int |
| ExecutionTime | Int |
| HistoryLength | Int |
| KafkaKey | Keyword |
| NamespaceId | Keyword |
| Operator | Keyword |
| OrderId | Keyword |
| OrderId2 | Keyword |
| RunId | Keyword |
| StartTime | Int |
| TaskQueue | Keyword |
| TemporalChangeVersion | Keyword |
| WorkflowId | Keyword |
| WorkflowType | Keyword |
| orderId | Keyword |
| status | Keyword |
But it does not work when we try to use it:
Caused by: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: INVALID_ARGUMENT: BadSearchAttributes: OrderId2 is not valid search attribute key
This post say something about schema/elasticsearch/visibility/index_template.json
How do I do it when I’m using helm-chart?