I’m curious does temporal have a fail fast mechanism to prevent sending tasks to non-exist queue?
The reason to ask the question is when queue is incorrectly specified (due to refactoring for example) in Workflow/Activity options there is no exception or warning/error.
Let’s consider an example which relates to java sdk + spring boot (it’s a modified example from samples):
@WorkflowImpl(taskQueues = "HelloSampleTaskQueue")
public class HelloWorkflowImpl implements HelloWorkflow {
ResponseEntity<String> helloSample(@RequestBody Person person) {
HelloWorkflow workflow = client.newWorkflowStub(HelloWorkflow.class,
.setTaskQueue("HelloSampleQueue") <------------------ queue name doesn't match
@tihomir thank you very much for the quick answer!
ScheduleToStart could be a solution for my case.
But am I right that Temporal does not support any validation mechanisms for task queues because queues declaration happens only on worker registration step?