Frequent "Deadline exceeded" errors in common pool

This problem is isolated to only one of our namespaces. We’re experiencing deadline exceeded exceptions in one of our workers, but the stacktrace doesn’t tie back to any of our own code, nor is there a clear indication of what area of the SDK is initiating this request.

I’ve included as much context as I thought might be helpful, but do let me know if you’d like us to hunt anything else down.

Server: 1.15.2 prod, 1.16.1 staging
Java SDK: 1.10.0

2022-05-04 11:34:03.616  INFO 64260 --- [nPool-worker-19] i.t.i.r.GrpcAsyncRetryer                 : Retrying after failure
io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: DEADLINE_EXCEEDED: deadline exceeded after 9.999851250s. [remote_addr=PLACEHOLDER]
	at io.grpc.Status.asRuntimeException(
	at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls$UnaryStreamToFuture.onClose(
	at io.grpc.PartialForwardingClientCallListener.onClose(
	at io.grpc.ForwardingClientCallListener.onClose(
	at io.grpc.ForwardingClientCallListener$SimpleForwardingClientCallListener.onClose(
	at io.temporal.serviceclient.GrpcMetricsInterceptor$MetricsClientCall$1.onClose(
	at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl.closeObserver(
	at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl.access$300(
	at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl$ClientStreamListenerImpl$1StreamClosed.runInternal(
	at io.grpc.internal.ClientCallImpl$ClientStreamListenerImpl$1StreamClosed.runInContext(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.base/


We know that the Temporal server is fine, because other namespaces are performing great.

This is isolated to a newer namespace that just fully rolled out their first use case (~6,000 workflows, each one calling an activity that throws a retryable ApplicationFailure with a retry policy of 30s). We have tried a retry policy of 60s as well, speculating that 30s is too aggressive of a retry interval, but it did not make any material impact on this error.

We’re also observing this across two Temporal cluster environments (staging and prod), so I’m assuming that it’s related to our implementation or the configuration of the worker and/or namespace itself. The namespace is configured the same between the two environments.

We don’t see any interesting / related errors on the Temporal server side, nor do we see any metrics that look abnormal from the server side.

From a dynamic config perspective, we have this task queue’s read & write partitions set to 7. I also made a speculative change of frontend.namespaceCount for this namespace to 3000, but didn’t see any change in behavior (I also don’t see any rate limits that would really make me believe this was a resolution).

From the workers’ perspective, the error isn’t isolated to a single worker process (although it is unevenly distributed across those workers). No worker has a shortfall of available threads and all latencies (including schedule to start) look great. The only “weird” metric we see is a lot of active workflow threads, but we don’t have a server-side polling implementation elsewhere in our ecosystem to compare to, so this may be completely expected.

Example activity exception

2022-05-04 11:35:03.950  WARN 64260 --- [ed-delivery": 6] i.t.i.a.POJOActivityTaskHandler          : Activity failure. ActivityId=150b09a5-4a33-3575-bf6f-2763e2762d2f, activityType=ActuatorActivities-MonitorResource, attempt=3
io.temporal.failure.ApplicationFailure: message='continuation', type='expected', nonRetryable=false
	at io.temporal.failure.ApplicationFailure.newFailureWithCause(
	at io.temporal.failure.ApplicationFailure.newFailure(
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at io.temporal.internal.activity.POJOActivityTaskHandler$POJOActivityInboundCallsInterceptor.execute(
	at io.temporal.internal.activity.POJOActivityTaskHandler$POJOActivityImplementation.execute(
	at io.temporal.internal.activity.POJOActivityTaskHandler.handle(
	at io.temporal.internal.worker.ActivityWorker$TaskHandlerImpl.handle(
	at io.temporal.internal.worker.ActivityWorker$TaskHandlerImpl.handle(
	at io.temporal.internal.worker.PollTaskExecutor.lambda$process$0(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.base/

Workflow & activity impl

I’m not sure if seeing our implementations would help any, but here they are:

interface ResourceScheduler {
  fun schedule(request: ScheduleResourceRequest)

  fun checkNow()

  data class ScheduleResourceRequest(
    val resourceId: String,
    val resourceKind: String

class ResourceSchedulerImpl : ResourceScheduler {

  private val configActivites = SchedulingConfigActivities.get()
  private val actuatorActivities = ActuatorActivities.get()

  private var checkNow = false

  override fun schedule(request: ResourceScheduler.ScheduleResourceRequest) {
    var interval = configActivites.getResourceKindCheckInterval(CheckResourceKindRequest(request.resourceKind))

    val minInterval = Duration.ofSeconds(30)
    if (minInterval > interval) {
      Workflow.getLogger(javaClass).warn("Configured interval for ${request.resourceKind} ($interval) is less than minimum $minInterval: Using minimum")
      interval = minInterval

    val pollerActivity = Workflow.newActivityStub(,

    lateinit var promise: Promise<Void>
    val scope = Workflow.newCancellationScope(
      Runnable {
        promise = Async.procedure {

    Workflow.await { checkNow }

    try {
    } catch (e: ActivityFailure) {
      if (e.cause is CanceledFailure && checkNow) {
          "Received checkNow signal for ${request.resourceKind}/${request.resourceId}: " +
            "Aborted poller and will continueAsNew after immediate check"

  override fun checkNow() {
    checkNow = true
class DefaultActuatorActivities(
  private val keelRepository: KeelRepository,
  private val resourceActuator: ResourceActuator,
  private val publisher: ApplicationEventPublisher,
  private val clock: Clock,
  private val spectator: Registry
) : ActuatorActivities {

  override fun checkResource(request: ActuatorActivities.CheckResourceRequest) {
    // ...

  override fun monitorResource(request: ActuatorActivities.MonitorResourceRequest) {
    throw ApplicationFailure.newFailure("continuation", "expected")

Maybe let’s rule out connectivity issues, could you see if you have had spikes on temporal_request_failure and temporal_long_request_failure buckets, as well as associated “_latency” buckets (emitted from sdk service client code).

Any timeouts in the executions workflow history?

Rob, what version of gprc do you use?

I’m mostly focusing on this segment of the stacktrace:

io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: DEADLINE_EXCEEDED: deadline exceeded after 9.999851250s. [remote_addr=PLACEHOLDER]
	at io.grpc.Status.asRuntimeException(
	at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls$UnaryStreamToFuture.onClose(
	at io.grpc.PartialForwardingClientCallListener.onClose(
	at io.grpc.ForwardingClientCallListener.onClose(
	at io.grpc.ForwardingClientCallListener$SimpleForwardingClientCallListener.onClose(
	at io.temporal.serviceclient.GrpcMetricsInterceptor$MetricsClientCall$1.onClose(

The thing is, gprc’s ClientCall#onClose javadoc explicitly states:

This method should not throw. If this method throws, there is no way to be notified of the exception. Implementations should therefore be careful of exceptions which can accidentally leak resources.

And implementation of io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.UnaryStreamToFuture$onClose doesn’t throw, it publishes any exception into responseFuture.
And it looks like it’s like that for quite some time. While we obviously see a throwing io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.UnaryStreamToFuture$onClose here.

No error spikes that I wouldn’t expect from the client side:


I am seeing regular latency of GetWorkflowExecutionHistory at ~10s, though:


The fact that the latency for GetWorkflowExecutionHistory is hovering around 10s and the deadline exceeded exceptions appear to be around 10 seconds maybe is a clue? These workflows have very small histories, though.

@spikhalskiy Ah, that’s interesting: We do replace gRPC with our own; it looks like it’s based on 1.38.2. Perhaps this is something I need to chase with our IPC team. :thinking:

Looping back here. I’ve confirmed internally that our gRPC distro is not fork, but just a redistribution with shaded Netty deps: So I’m lead to believe it’s likely either an issue in our use case or an issue in Temporal (SDK or server configuration?). We’ve still not been able to resolve this issue.

A bit more context on the use case that introduced this behavior:

This use case is a short-term stop-gap while we’re moving some reconciliation logic to Kubernetes, so we’re using Temporal to schedule 1 workflow per “managed resource” (e.g. a server group, load balancer, etc). We want to be able to ensure that for each resource we’re managing, that a workflow exists for it, and if a resource becomes unmanaged, we are no longer running the workflow.

On the request path (“start managing XYZ resources”), our code is first doing a DescribeWorkflowExecutionRequest to validate if the workflow execution exists, then starting it if it does not. We’re planning to switch to a signalWithStart for this path instead, but are currently blocked rolling it out due to an apparent search attribute bug in the Java SDK.

We also have a supervisor workflow that runs every 10 minutes to ensure workflows that should be running are, and workflows that should not be running are not. This path will run a describe workflow for every single resource we have out there.

The workflows themselves never get to an event history size larger than 14, so these are all pretty lightweight.

My suspicion at this point is that we’re calling get history too often for workflow histories, but that’s not founded on anything objective. If that were indeed the case, it’d be nice if there were an endpoint that we could call that would not return the history at all but instead just give us the execution status.

Is there potentially some server settings that we should investigate? Also very much open to changing the design if that’s indeed the issue.

Hey Rob,

I think I know what happened here.
It’s a combination of this change Synchronize GrpcSyncRetryer and GrpcAsyncRetryer behavior, make non-final exceptions INFO level by Spikhalskiy · Pull Request #1065 · temporalio/sdk-java · GitHub that aligned our logging in several places and this bug getResultAsync long poll request gets terminated by rpcTimeout · Issue #1197 · temporalio/sdk-java · GitHub that became visible because after the logging changes.
I will take care of it as a part of the next release and we will see if it solves your problem.

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Which release has addressed this problem? I’m using v1.12.0 but is still seeing this error frequently. Caused by:io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: DEADLINE_EXCEEDED: deadline exceeded after 9.999916559s. [closed=[], open=[[buffered_nanos=9999993984, waiting_for_connection]]]

That specific issue that Rob posted here is addressed in 1.12.0

@randomuser you don’t post enough details of your error but sometimes if the workflow code takes a significant amount of time to be replayed or if the workers are overloaded, queries may timed out. You may consider increasing the query timeout or provisioning more workers.