Frontend container crashes "panic: Cluster info initial versions have duplicates"

In containerized temporal 1.22.4 The following clusterMetada settings always crash the container on startup

  enableGlobalNamespace: true
  failoverVersionIncrement: 50                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  masterClusterName: "active"                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  currentClusterName: "active"                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
      enabled: true
      initialFailoverVersion: 0   
      rpcAddress: "dns:///myurl"

the second instance crashes for the same reason, regardless what the values are but the setup is

  enableGlobalNamespace: true
  failoverVersionIncrement: 10
  masterClusterName: "active"
  currentClusterName: "standby"
      enabled: true
      initialFailoverVersion: 2
      rpcAddress: ....

And the problem is I have tried multiple possible names, initialFailoverVersion, rpc adresses and it always fails on the same thing:
panic: Cluster info initial versions have duplicates
when it tries to read the initialFailoverVersion: value, regardless whether that is 0 1 or 25

How to fix this? The frontend container does not start because of that and I assume in this case I cannot really launch tctl right?