Having proxy issues running docker compose

@maxim I am seeing all the services running with dev mode I am able to register namspace and run the program (we looked together), it is UI that fails to come up and throws error message

are you running web docker on Mac or linux/wsl ?

afaik on Macs you need to start docker passing host.docker.internal due to how docker works there temporal/docker-compose.darwin.yml at 3e9e452d5b491bdaad6f8ed805edfa2b4f61584c · temporalio/temporal · GitHub

More info on mac docker networking:

@Ruslan running on mac thanks will try it out

@Ruslan tried it same error,

based on this error, it still seems that the McAfee Web Gateway is blocking the requests with the Proxy-Authenticate error. Could you confirm with your IT department and possibly whitelist the traffic?