I try to execute tctl command inside the auto-setup docker container:
tctl --ns default namespace describe
it always reports the flowing error:
Error: Operation DescribeNamespace failed.
Error Details: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused"
('export TEMPORAL_CLI_SHOW_STACKS=1' to see stack traces)
But in the auto-setup.sh, I see the same command executed.
Is there anything missed in my manual operation?
you need the namespace_id to describe the namespace
tctl namespace list
to list your namespaces, which will show the namespace_id as id
tctl namespace describe --namespace_id <id>
tctl namespace list
It reports the same error. The problem is tctl can not connect to temporal server on
September 16, 2022, 3:47am
it always reports the flowing error:
Yes that’s expected since you don’t tell tctl where the frontend service is.
You can:
In your docker compose for auto-setup container def set in environment:
(change “temporal” here to the name of your auto-setup container)
This env var is picked up by tctl and would use as the default address setting
Dont do 1. and set address directly in your tctl command:
tctl --address temporal:7233 --ns default namespace describe
(again change “temporal” to name of your auto-setup container name )
Also just to add: I would not use auto-setup image for any type of prod deployment (it starts up all server roles in same container and ins same process). Also better to run tctl from the admin-tools image than bashing into your service containers and possibly screwing something up.
Hope this helps.
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