Although I’ve specified DB related ENV variables during docker run, those values are not configured for tctl
. By default, it is trying to connect
. How can I configure/override DB variables for CLI
Use --address flag to pass an alternative flag.
environment variable can be also used. Note that if you run tctl through docker then it is not going to see the environment variables from your shell.
$ tctl --help
tctl - A command-line tool for Temporal users
tctl [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
namespace, n Operate Temporal namespace
workflow, wf Operate Temporal workflow
activity, act operate activities of workflow
taskqueue, tq Operate Temporal task queue
batch batch operation on a list of workflows from query.
admin, adm Run admin operation
cluster, cl Operate Temporal cluster
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--address value, --ad value host:port for Temporal frontend service [$TEMPORAL_CLI_ADDRESS]
--namespace value, --ns value Temporal workflow namespace (default: "default") [$TEMPORAL_CLI_NAMESPACE]
--context_timeout value, --ct value optional timeout for context of RPC call in seconds (default: 5) [$TEMPORAL_CONTEXT_TIMEOUT]
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
I’ve configured --address flag properly. But, I’m getting below error while running below command. I’m using external mysql DB and it’s trying to connect to cassandra on localhost.
tctl admin membership list_db
2020/07/23 15:48:20 gocql: unable to dial control conn dial tcp connect: connection refused
Error: Failed to initialize cluster metadata manager
Error Details: gocql: unable to create session: control: unable to connect to initial hosts: dial tcp connect: connection refused
command connects directly to the DB, so you have to specify the IP of the DB using db_address
docker[master !*]$ tctl admin membership list_db --help
tctl admin membership list_db - List cluster membership items
tctl admin membership list_db [command options] [arguments...]
--db_engine value Type of the DB engine to use (cassandra, mysql..) (default: "cassandra")
--db_address value persistence address (right now only cassandra is fully supported) (default: "")
--db_port value persistence port (default: 9042)
--username value cassandra username
--password value cassandra password
--keyspace value cassandra keyspace (default: "temporal")
--tls enable TLS over cassandra connection
--tls_cert_path value cassandra tls client cert path (tls must be enabled)
--tls_key_path value cassandra tls client key path (tls must be enabled)
--tls_ca_path value cassandra tls client ca path (tls must be enabled)
--tls_enable_host_verification cassandra tls verify hostname and server cert (tls must be enabled)
--heartbeated_within value Filter by last heartbeat date time. Supported formats are '2006-01-02T15:04:05+07:00', raw UnixNano and time range (N<duration>), where 0 < N < 1000000 and duration (full-notation/short-notation) can be second/s, minute/m, hour/h, day/d, week/w, month/M or year/y. For example, '15minute' or '15m' implies last 15 minutes. (default: "15m")
--role value Membership role filter: all (default), frontend, history, matching, worker (default: "all")
Thanks @maxim. But it seems mysql is not fully supported. Will this be supported in V1 release ?
Error: CreatePersistenceFactory err
Error Details: DB type “mysql” is not supported by CLI