In my use case, I trigger an activity to publish metrics to biq query in a finally block. However, if the workflow gets canceled, that activity is never executed or can’t be because the workflow has been canceled and will get a failed CanceledFailed ActivityFailure.
I was wondering if there is a mechanism for a workflow to trigger the activity before fully processing the cancel request. For example, add some sort of listener?
} catch (ActivityFailure af) {
// Create a CancellationScope that is not linked to a parent scope
// This can be used in the "cleanup" code after the Workflow Execution has been cancelled.
CancellationScope detached =
Workflow.newDetachedCancellationScope(() -> greeting = activities.sayGoodBye(name));;
throw af;
Is there any downside with this? Also if it’s not attached to the parent scope, is it still show up in the workflow history?
I’m not sure I understand the question. The cleanup code has to run in a detached scope as it overwise would not be able to run anything as the surrounding scope can be canceled.
The reason try-catch is used is because any operation that is invoked from the canceled scope throws a cancelation failure. So catch is needed to perform cleanup in this case.