Is there a way to call query/signal in async/non-blocking way using Java sdk?

I am aware that we can start new workflow in async fashion using WorkflowClient.start() method. Do we have similar mechanism for query/signal method?

We have couple of reactive application which prefer these operations in non-blocking manner.
One way to achieve this is by wrapping query/signal call in CompletableFuture in client code.

Please suggest if there is any method in sdk that does this in better way?

Signal call returns as soon as the signal is queued by Temporal service. It doesn’t wait for signal processing. So it is already async.

The query is expected to return pretty fast as well, as it cannot block while executing.

What problem are you trying to solve?

We’ve dealt with a similar issue in our Kotlin code. In general, our code tries to use non-thread-blocking IO as much as possible. Unfortunately, there’s no such option when using a WorkflowClient or the stubs it generates - all the calls block on IO operations. To overcome that, we wrap all Temporal client calls with withContext(Dispatcher.IO) that tells Kotlin that the code can block a thread:

val workflowStub = workflowClient.newWorkflowStub<MyWorkflow>(workflowId)
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {

I believe a similar approach could be used by reactive applications by doing something like .subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()) for Temporal client code that blocks on IO.

Right - maxim’s definition of “async” is a little different from how a reactive framework would define it. In a reactive framework, doing any blocking I/O at all on an event loop thread is not allowed, even if that blocking I/O should normally be “fast”, since there is always a chance a network issue makes it block for an extended period. As GreyTeardrop says, I think the only option right now is to offload those Temporal API calls to worker threads that can block.

I see. Please file an issue against Java SDK to get this added. I believe the gRPC library Temporal relies on supports nonblocking IO (through Netty). So such APIs should be possible, at least for starting, signaling, and querying workflows.