Is there a way to get the result from a completed workflow except using Cronjob workflow or writing a query method for it?

Is there a way to get the result from a completed workflow except using Cronjob workflow or writing a query method for it?

I’ve never heard about cron workflow being used to get a workflow result. I’m not sure how it can help.

You didn’t mention which SDK you want to use. Here is the Java version:

client.newUntypedWorkflowStub("workflowId", Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()).getResult(<ReesultType>.class));

Go one:

var result <ResultType>
err := client.GetWorkflow(ctx, "workflowId", "").Get(ctx, &result)

sorry, I am using Java SDK. Regarding cron workflow, I am refering to Workflow.getLastCompletionResult, I probably get it wrong.

Yes, in CRON workflow the next iteration can get the last result using Workflow.getLastCompletionResult. Refer to my previous answer to get results outside of a workflow using the client.