I recently completed an execution of Worlflow.
From the web UI, this execution generated about 770 events, and the final end time was 2024-12-15T03:08:58.404989443Z.
In my java code, I need to get the execution result of each execution. After determining that my execution is over, I use the following code:
GetWorkflowExecutionHistoryRequest eventQuery = GetWorkflowExecutionHistoryRequest.newBuilder().setNamespace(temporalNamespace).setMaximumPageSize(5000).setExecution(execInfo.getExecution()).build();
GetWorkflowExecutionHistoryResponse history = temporalSvc.blockingStub().getWorkflowExecutionHistory(eventQuery);
to get all events of a single execution.
Although I set a pageSize of 5000, I still did not get all the events. The latest eventId is 573, and the eventTime is only 2024-12-15T02:23:41.958635093Z, which is 45 minutes earlier than the end time on the web ui.
I want to know if there is a caching policy in the history server, otherwise why can’t I get all the data at 03:08:59? Can anyone help me look into this issue? Thank you very much!