Java SDK : E2E testing for signal

Hi Team,

I am working of testing temporal signal in integration test. PFB required details-


Dev Code-

workflow A - Orchestrator workflow
Workflow B and C two other workflow govern by A
Workflow A started one task and pass to workflow B to do required job.
while working on task, workflow B identified one emergency case and send notification using signal to pause workflow A till the time A acknoledge the signal

based on private attribute isEmergency, if it is true
B send signal to A
To send signal from B to A → B stbubbed A using untypedExternalStub method.

Approach Tried-

  1. using testEnvironent
  2. Started A with untyped stubbed and then B sothat A can acknoledge the signal and B continue task

Both the cases, it is keep on waiting for signal to be acknoledge and as per log I can see B are trying to send signal multiple time in endless loop or till the time timeout occur

Could you please suggest working example to test signal in integration test mentioned above. where signal method does not have any input/output parameter
