Hi Temporal Community!
We’re looking for volunteers to participate in our user testing sessions on documentation.
If you can spare 30mins with us on this, we have a $50 Amazon gift voucher for you! 
If interested, please contact aarohi@temporal.io.
1 Like
Hi @tihomir .I am interested . Please share more details.
Hi @raghudeshu thanks for the interest!! Do you mind sending email to aarohi@temporal.io, she is the contact person for this. Many thanks again.
I’m interesting in helping out
Please count me in as well
Hi Temporal team,
I would like to volunteers for testing sessions.
I’m interested in helping out
| Dileep_Pandiya
August 26 |
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Hey all, thanks a lot for all the interest in helping here.
We will get back to the people that have expressed interest. There will be other opportunities to help in the future so stay tuned 
Thanks again!