Migrating from 1.24.2 to 1.25.1 self-hosted temporal results in RPS warnings and throttling

Hello everyone,

After replacing the temporal CLI 1.0.0 with CLI 1.1.1 (or 1.1.0 I tried) and upgrading the temporal libs in our application to 1.25.1 I ran our application locally in my dev environment and the integration tests ran just fine.

However in our pipeline I get the Warning: Per shard per namespace RPS warn limit exceeded and it seems that the resulting throttling by temporal server results in failed integration tests.
The strange things is that our integration tests failed after three tests which combined make about 15 calls to the temporal server so I don’t understand where this warning is coming from and the resulting throttling.

In our pipeline we use the CLI 1.1.1.
Any ideas?

This can be closed apparently one of the build servers did run the new temporal version