Need help in understanding temporal-potsgres.yaml

I am trying to run temporal-potsgres.yaml under k8s folder of docker-compose repo , but frontend and worker pods are going to CrashBackOff state and throwing Error :- Unable to create server. Error: could not build arguments for function “”.(*App).failed to build log.Logger: received non-nil error from function “”.ServerOptionsProvider, cassandra schema version compatibility check failed: version mismatch for keyspace/dastrong texttabase: “temporal”. Expected version: 1.7 cannot be greater than Actual version: 0.0

temporaltest-history, temporaltest-matching and temporaltest-frontend are crashing again and again
Can anyone please help me understanding the actual issue here as I am using postgresql so why it’s asking for cassandra support ? Or what actual is happening here ?

Also if anyone can help me regarding postgresql specific installation for K8s , some steps are missing under example in documentation

hello @shivan_trivedi

I am trying to reproduce your issue,

Are you following these instructions? docker-compose/ at main · temporalio/docker-compose · GitHub

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I used helm chart approach also but got same response from pod logs under minikube
helm install -f values/values.postgresql.yaml temporaltestv2
–set elasticsearch.enabled=false
–set server.config.persistence.default.sql.user=temporal
–set server.config.persistence.default.sql.password=temporal
–set server.config.persistence.visibility.sql.user=temporal
–set server.config.persistence.visibility.sql.password=temporal
–set . --timeout 900s

Hey @antonio.perez , yes following the same article – docker-compose/ at main · temporalio/docker-compose · GitHub](docker-compose/ at main · temporalio/docker-compose · GitHub)

Above issue is resolved now but now my worker is not connecting to port 7233 , already being forwarded . It is throwing unable to create Temporal client failed reaching server: last connection error: connection error: desc = “transport: Error while dialing: dial tcp [::1]:7233: connect: connection refused”
exit status 1
Any Idea regarding that ?

@shivan_trivedi ,
can you check if you can connect from the command line

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"service": "temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.WorkflowService"}' <URL>:7233

Failed to dial target host “”: dial tcp connect: connection refused

Basically I am running worker on my local machine and temporal on minikube and trying to connect it via port forwarding , Is this the right way or there is any issue ?

cleared all old images and now getting this error ~~ unable to create Temporal client failed reaching server: last connection error: connection error: desc = “error reading server preface: EOF”

Hello @shivan_trivedi

Can you share the yml files and configuration to reproduce the issue?