New Temporal worker versioning

Hi Temporal,

Great to see the new worker versioning.
But we have some doubts regarding assignment rule and the launching of the workflow.
Lets say we have:
version1: workflow A with input parameter A1
version2: workflow A with input parameter B1, C1
Then in this case if I upgraded the workflow launcher and put in B1 and C1,
and create an assignment rule with some percentage. Some percentage of new executions will go to version1 and some to version2. Then it will break the version 1 coz version 1 expect A1 only.

Is there any solution to this for the launcher part?

Best regards,

Hi @jxwang

are you asking about this feature? Worker Versioning (Legacy) | Temporal Documentation


Hi Antonio,
I am referring to this temporal/docs/ at main ยท temporalio/temporal (

Best regards,

Hi @jxwang

yes, you are right part of the workflows will go to A1, as defined in the rule

Have you considered using one of the other versioning strategies for this case? Either Workflow name based Versioning or Task Queue based Versioning?
