Not able to perform an update on the Cron Schedule for a workflow

Hello, I have just started learning about Temporal and am trying to update the CronSchedule for a previously created workflow.
However, I cannot find any documentation on how to do this.
I noticed the updateWorkflowExecution method, but when I tried it, I received an error message saying ‘PERMISSION_DENIED: UpdateWorkflowExecution operation is disabled on this namespace.’
Is there any way for me to enable the UpdateWorkflowExecution feature?


‘PERMISSION_DENIED: UpdateWorkflowExecution operation is disabled on this namespace.’

for this error, I think you need to set frontend.enableUpdateWorkflowExecution=true in your dynamic config, see this example

am trying to update the CronSchedule for a previously created workflow.

I am not sure if I get this question and how it is related to UpdateWorkflowExecution, are you trying to update the What is a Temporal Workflow? | Temporal Documentation in the Schedule?

Thank you very much for your feedback.
I would like to update the CronSchedule of a previously created workflow, but I am not sure if I can do it with UpdateWorkflowExecution.
Up until now, the solution that I have implemented is to delete the old workflow and create a new one with the new CronSchedule.
However, if there is a better solution available, please let me know.


If you refer to cronSchedule temporal-cron-job , they can not be updated, you can use this approach instead samples-java/core/src/main/java/io/temporal/samples/updatabletimer/ at main · temporalio/samples-java · GitHub

or if you can, better use the new schedule feature that will allow you to update the schedule as this example demonstrate

Let me know if this example helps,


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Yes, I have used the new schedule feature and it has solved my problem.
Thank you for your assistance.

@antonio.perez on another note is it recommended to use @UpdateMethod in production? We see it marked as @Experimental in the latest java SDK.

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what if we just want to create a simple CRON schedule? If I follow this How do I convert my Cron into a Schedule? | Temporal Technologies How do i make sure that on application restart a new schedule isnt created?