Parent workflow retries child workflow, but fails after first attempt

I have a parent workflow that starts child workflow with RetryPoliicy.MaximumAttempts = 3
If the first attempt of child workflow fails, child workflow is retried, but parent is already failed
How can I not to fail parent workflow, but wait for all three attemps to fail/succeed?

parent wf options:

		ID:                                       workflowID,
		TaskQueue:                                h.taskQueueName,
		WorkflowExecutionTimeout:                 6 * time.Hour,
		WorkflowRunTimeout:                       6 * time.Hour,
		WorkflowIDReusePolicy:                    enumspb.WORKFLOW_ID_REUSE_POLICY_ALLOW_DUPLICATE_FAILED_ONLY,
		WorkflowExecutionErrorWhenAlreadyStarted: true,

child wf options:

childWorkflowOptions := workflow.ChildWorkflowOptions{
		WorkflowID:               workflowID,
		WorkflowExecutionTimeout: 6 * time.Hour,
		WorkflowRunTimeout:       5 * time.Hour,
		RetryPolicy: &temporal.RetryPolicy{
			InitialInterval: 10 * time.Second,
			MaximumAttempts: 3,
			NonRetryableErrorTypes: []string{
ctx = workflow.WithChildOptions(ctx, childWorkflowOptions)


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What are the events in the parent’s history related to this child?