Reading a memo using TypeScript

I successfully called upsertMemo in an Activity, but WorkflowExecutionInfo.memo is still empty when I look for it in a list of all worfklow executions obtained via TemporalClient.workflowService.listWorkflowExecutions.

This is my worker code:

    const fieldValue = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
    upsertMemo({'fieldName': fieldValue});
    console.log(`Memo set to ${JSON.stringify(workflowInfo().memo)}`);


Memo set to {"fieldName":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}

This is my consumer code:

  const client: Client = await this.temporalService.getClient();
  const workflowExecutions = await client.workflowService.listWorkflowExecutions({
      query: "WorkflowType = 'workflowName'", 
      namespace: 'default',            
  const ids = [];
  for await (const execution of workflowExecutions.executions) {
      console.log(`Found workflow ${execution.execution?.workflowId}`);
      const memo = execution.memo;
      console.log(`Memo = ${JSON.stringify(memo)} (${memo})`);


Found workflow 2c81a11a-512a-4e56-88b8-00ea5762f81d
Memo = {} ([object Object])

What’s going on here in your opinion?
Thank you for your help.

I successfully called upsertMemo in an Activity

workflow.UpsertMemo is workflow api, can you give a bit more info on how you are calling this inside your activity code?

Inside workflow code you should be able to do something like


and get handle on your workflow memo with

in your event history you should also see the associated event when your memo is upserved with type

This is my consumer code:

This looks ok and if memo was correctly upserted in workflow code it should return its latest value you set.