Reading a memo using TypeScript

I successfully called upsertMemo in an Activity, but WorkflowExecutionInfo.memo is still empty when I look for it in a list of all worfklow executions obtained via TemporalClient.workflowService.listWorkflowExecutions.

This is my worker code:

    const fieldValue = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
    upsertMemo({'fieldName': fieldValue});
    console.log(`Memo set to ${JSON.stringify(workflowInfo().memo)}`);


Memo set to {"fieldName":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}

This is my consumer code:

  const client: Client = await this.temporalService.getClient();
  const workflowExecutions = await client.workflowService.listWorkflowExecutions({
      query: "WorkflowType = 'workflowName'", 
      namespace: 'default',            
  const ids = [];
  for await (const execution of workflowExecutions.executions) {
      console.log(`Found workflow ${execution.execution?.workflowId}`);
      const memo = execution.memo;
      console.log(`Memo = ${JSON.stringify(memo)} (${memo})`);


Found workflow 2c81a11a-512a-4e56-88b8-00ea5762f81d
Memo = {} ([object Object])

What’s going on here in your opinion?
Thank you for your help.