RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: namespace rate limit exceeded

Could you check all service requests going through the frontend service for the namespace your running the workflows on: sum(rate(service_requests{service_name="frontend", namespace="<ns_name>"}[2m])) by (operation)


Also, are you also setting frontend.rps in dynamic config? (default 2400) This is the frontend overall rps limit.

Yes, below is from our dynamic config.

- value: 76800
  constraints: {}
- value: 76800
  constraints: {}

service requests for history was roughly the same as frontend, and matching was roughly double at times (I can only include one image per post as I am still new to the forum).

We have increased rps for matching and history before the same load test.

- value: 76800
  constraints: {}
- value: 76800
  constraints: {}