When I call road runner “rr serve” to start my worker, the server command is called until the instruction $temporalWorkerFactory->run(); where the following error is thrown :
StreamRelay.php line 80 - Unable to read frame header: Incorrect header size
I have no more detailled log and I don’t find this file StreamRelay.php
The temporal server is healthy :
$>temporal operator cluster health
It is hard to say what went wrong without having any logs. This issue can be caused by:
- Invalid worker code
- Mismatch of RoadRunner version
Please share information such as:
- RoadRunner version
- SDK Version you use
- What steps/examples you used to setup your worker
- Any information about RR configuration, especially, around relay options
Thank you
Thanks for your message !
I have just found the reason of my problem : my serve php command did not start workers directly, it called an other php command to create new processes.
I misunderstood the good way to use rr serve.
Now I start directly workers and it is ok 
Thanks again !