Schedule not created after being deleted from UI

I implemeted method to create schedule.

  public void schedule(String scheduleId) {
    WorkflowType workflowType = WorkflowType.newBuilder()
    NewWorkflowExecutionInfo workflowExecutionInfo = NewWorkflowExecutionInfo.newBuilder()
    ScheduleAction action = ScheduleAction.newBuilder()
    ScheduleSpec spec = ScheduleSpec.newBuilder().addInterval(
    Schedule schedule = Schedule.newBuilder().setSpec(spec)
    CreateScheduleRequest scheduleRequest = CreateScheduleRequest.newBuilder()

When I hit this function a schedule is created and workflows are initiated every two seconds.
Problem Facing - When I delete a schedule from the UI let’s say Id - deleteRejectedResourceAccess123, and hit the above function again with the same schedule Id, it is not being created. There are no errors as well.

Also please suggest me -

  • My requirement is just to create a schedule once, i.e., when the project starts I want to initiate the schedule if it is not present in that namespace. How to do that?