We are trying to send signal to 100’s of running workflows using temporal client in typescript sdk. Instead of sending separate signals for all workflows is there a way we can do this in a single request?
You can use the gRPC API to start a batch signal:
import { randomUUID } from 'node:crypto';
import * as proto from '@temporalio/proto';
const jobId = randomUUID();
await client.workflowService.startBatchOperation({
namespace: 'my-namespace',
signalOperation: {
signal: 'some-signal',
input: {
payloads: ['arg1', 'arg2'].map((arg) => client.options.loadedDataConverter.payloadConverter.toPayload(arg)),
while (true) {
const response = await client.workflowService.describeBatchOperation({ jobId });
if (response.state === proto.temporal.api.enums.v1.BatchOperationState.BATCH_OPERATION_STATE_FAILED) {
throw new Error('batch failed');
if (response.state === proto.temporal.api.enums.v1.BatchOperationState.BATCH_OPERATION_STATE_RUNNING) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
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Do you know if there is a limit to how many workflows we can send a signal to in one go?
There’s no limit, the system manages this batching for you.
Oh, I forgot to add a query or set of executions for the batch job in my example.
Again thanks for this. While constructing the payload, can each arg be a key value pair like following:
[{abc:123}, {xyz:456}].map((…
@bergundy I get the following when using the above code to pass args as payload. We are currently using the default data convertor. Any ideas what might be missing?
throw new errors_1.ValueError(`Unknown encoding: ${encoding}`);
ValueError: Unknown encoding: binary/protobuf
at DefaultPayloadConverter.fromPayload (/app/node_modules/@temporalio/common/src/converter/payload-converter.ts:163:12)
at /app/node_modules/@temporalio/common/src/converter/payload-converter.ts:84:54
at Array.map (<anonymous>)
at arrayFromPayloads (/app/node_modules/@temporalio/common/src/converter/payload-converter.ts:84:18)
at Activator.signalWorkflow (/app/node_modules/@temporalio/workflow/src/internals.ts:545:30)
at /app/node_modules/@temporalio/workflow/src/worker-interface.ts:215:29
at Object.activate (/app/node_modules/@temporalio/workflow/src/worker-interface.ts:221:2)
at evalmachine.<anonymous>:1:18
Looks like a server issue, fixed here: [UNTESTED] Fix handling of batch signal input payloads by mjameswh · Pull Request #4374 · temporalio/temporal · GitHub