Setting Activity Options Globally with WorkflowImplementationOptions in Quarkus

I am using the Quarkus Temporal extension (quarkus-temporal) and would like to configure activity options in a centralized way for my application.

My plan is to define the activity options in a config file. Then I want to apply these options globally using WorkflowImplementationOptions , so that I don’t have to set the options individually on each activity.

I’m looking for guidance on the best way to achieve this with quarkus-temporal. Specifically:

  1. What is the recommended approach to load activity options from a config file with Quarkus?
  2. How do I then use WorkflowImplementationOptions to set these loaded options as the global defaults?
  3. Are there any special considerations or limitations I should be aware of with this setup?

Any tips, code snippets, or links to relevant documentation would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!

Temporal does not maintain this extension so not sure how helpful can be, would recommend maybe asking on their github - GitHub - quarkiverse/quarkus-temporal: Temporal ( is a developer-first, open source platform that ensures the successful execution of services and applications.

Just as reference, for the Temporal SpringBoot integration you can create custom overrides for WorkflowImplementationOptions, see sample here if helps: samples-java/springboot/src/main/java/io/temporal/samples/springboot/customize/ at main · temporalio/samples-java · GitHub