Hi Team
Not sure of the best approach. I have a stream of Kafka events, multiple orders for multiple clients.
Each revision of the order has to been fully reprocessed in the workflow and generate a Kafka Message as output. I also need the state from any previous run as IDs are generated/incremented, reference data is looked up etc. I have tried using the externally generated order_number as the Workflow_id but hitting issues (WrokflowExecutionAlreadyStart). Is this the right approach and I’m just failing to understand something or should I have unique workflow ids and just lookup the previous revisions externally?
I’ve tried (And to find and example) in Java for something like this:
if Workflow Id {order_num} exists {
Signal Workflow (or rerun)
update state from old revision
publish Kafka event
} else {
create new Workflow with order_num
Run workflow
publish Kafka Event
Any pointers most welcome
Thank you.