Start Nodejs activity parallel along with Python activity in NodeJS workflow

I have Python & NodeJS activities which I’m calling from NodeJS workflow.
Want to use same task-queue for all activities i.e NodeJS & Python.
Using following approach to start activities & workflow:

Starting Python activities: poetry run python (referred this example)
Starting NodeJS activities: npm run workflow (ts-node src/client.ts)
Starting NodeJS workflow: npm run (nodemon src/worker.ts)

But above approach is creating different workflows and I want all activities in one workflow only.

Can you please tell how can I achieve that?

activity-worker has following code:

NodeJS client has following code:

Have tried following approach as well:

Starting Python activities: poetry run python (referred this example)
Starting NodeJS workflow: npm run (nodemon src/worker.ts)

Here, not starting NodeJS activities explicitly. Getting expected output NodeJS activities are getting called. But getting below error:

Is this correct approach or I’m doing it in wrong way?

That code is not just running a worker, it is also executing a workflow with the client. Is that by intention?

I don’t see these activities, but make sure they are on a different task queue than the Python ones when you create the worker. You can specify the task queue to call the activities inside the workflow.

You’re starting a workflow on python-worker-taskQueue. Is that by intention that you are starting a nodejs workflow on a task queue with a python name?

@nehapatil7199 you can also have a look at this post that shows how to set up and invoke an activity from typescript and run the activity from a java worker

This video might be interesting as well

My understanding is in order to invoke activities will need to start respective workers and then start workflow. In my case it is Python & NodeJS worker.

Following is the use case I’m trying to implement:

  • Start NodeJS worker
  • Start Python worker
  • Start NodeJS workflow which will invoke Python & NodeJS activities

And as you mentioned I’m starting worker as well as workflow using poetry run python

How can I start Python worker only because this python-samples are starting workflow as well along with worker.

To not start a workflow, don’t call client.execute_workflow. You can just async with Worker(... with something asyncio blocking inside or my_worker = Worker(... + await There are other examples that show just running a worker, e.g. this encryption one.