Tctl security authentication

How do we secure tctl commands . Can we pass authentication when running tctl commands .
Our kube team may not accept running tctl commands by login in docker ssh .

We may go via ingress can we secure with basic auth or JWT .

tctl supports plugins which can be used to set headers on outgoing requests. We ship an example plugin which supports basic auth: temporal/main.go at master · temporalio/temporal · GitHub

The plugin above is shipped alongside tctl in the homebrew package and docker container.

Hi bod,

Thank you for the response . Do we need to do any setting on temporal server to authenticate token sent from tctl .

Do we have any samples of tctl set headers .


Do we need to do any setting on temporal server to authenticate token sent from tctl .

Yes, you need to set up authentication/authorization as described in this doc page.

Hi ,

Can you please help me understand the below queries .

  1. Do we have any relevant JAVA API ?
  2. Do we need to implement this interface in worker or we need to implement in temporal server( with go code ) and re-package the docker-image and deploy again ?


  1. Do we have any relevant JAVA API ?


  1. Do we need to implement this interface in worker or we need to implement in temporal server( with go code ) and re-package the docker-image and deploy again ?

Yes. You’d need to implement the interface(s), inject your ClaimMapper/Authorizer implementation via server options, build server code and docker image, and deploy the customized version.