I want to start a temporal workflow whenever a file is uploaded to google cloud storage, I’ve the trigger in place which whenever a file is uploaded a google cloud function is being invoked, and inside it my temporal client code as following
const connection = await Connection.connect({
address: "MY_ADDRESS",
const client = new Client({
namespace: "default", // change if you have a different namespace
const result = await client.workflow.start(onxWorkflow, {
namespace: "default",
taskQueue: "MY_TASK_QUEUE",
args: [ ],
but whenever the function get called I get this error
ServiceError: Failed to start Workflow at WorkflowClient.rethrowGrpcError (/workspace/node_modules/@temporalio/client/lib/workflow-client.js:245:19) at WorkflowClient._startWorkflowHandler (/workspace/node_modules/@temporalio/client/lib/workflow-client.js:391:18) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async WorkflowClient.start (/workspace/node_modules/@temporalio/client/lib/workflow-client.js:102:23) at async exports.notifyBEOfTar (/workspace/index.js:49:20)
also please know that, I’ve another google cloud trigger to run a workflow signal to the workflow and its working good, so it seems the problem is from starting the workflow from within google cloud function