Temporal error: context deadline exceeded

Hi all, I used docker-compose to deploy Temporal on my local device. Initially I used the default docker-compose.yml, and then tried docker-compose-cass-es.yml. Below are the versions:
GO_VERSION= 1.21.0

The container successfully runs and I can access the web UI and admin tools. I can register a new namespace and add search attributes. But when I try to execute a workflow from a service, I got:

error":“context deadline exceeded”

This is the code:

wfOptions := client.StartWorkflowOptions{
ID: wfId,
TaskQueue: service.taskQueue,
SearchAttributes: searchAttributes,
_, err := service.client.ExecuteWorkflow(context.Background(), wfOptions, “WorkflowName”, req)

I ran command to check cluster health and it is serving.

But when I tried to check whether Temporal frontend service is up or not, it failed:

However, I am able to execute workflow using tctl command. So, the problem is when I trigger it using my workflow service, but I still cannot pinpoint the cause.

When I try other functions, they work just fine.

wfRun := service.client.GetWorkflow(ctx, wfId, “”)

workflow, err := service.client.ListWorkflow(ctx, &workflowservice.ListWorkflowExecutionsRequest{})
if err != nil {
return err

I tried to use another workflow, using the same namespace, task queue, and hostport on my local device, and it is successfully executed.

Please help to troubleshoot or advise.

So I am finally able to execute the workflow. The only change that I did was not passing search attributes in the workflow options.

wfOptions := client.StartWorkflowOptions{
ID: wfId,
TaskQueue: service.taskQueue,
//SearchAttributes: searchAttributes,
_, err := service.client.ExecuteWorkflow(ctx, wfOptions, utilities.WorkflowName, req)

Is it related to ‘Search Attributes not supported with Standard Visibility’?