Temporal-ui: cannot unmarshal !str

Hi all! After reboot server, got this error in temporal-ui container:

2024/09/13 15:09:06 Loading config; env=docker,configDir=config
2024/09/13 15:09:06 Loading config files=[config/docker.yaml]
config file corrupted: yaml: unmarshal errors:
line 2: cannot unmarshal !!str tcp://1... into int

ps: image: temporalio/ui:2.19.0

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You need to set the TEMPORAL_UI_PORT environment variable. Line 2 of the template is the port, and for some reason when the value isn’t explicitly set, the server will use “tcp://something” instead of the port number. And that !!string (whatever a bangbang string is…), cannot be marshalled into an int (which the port number is).

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Just responding to say thank you.
I ran into the same error and setting the TEPORAL_UI_PORT fixed it.

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