Temporal with PGBouncer - Too much Idle Connection

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What step the error happened?

On Deploy

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I’m facing an issue when trying to run airbyte/temporal with PgBouncer.

At my workplace, we have some instances of airbyte/temporal, all sharing a single database server, with each instance using its own exclusive set of databases.

As the number of airbyte/temporal instances has grown, we noticed that the number of open connections was increasing rapidly, exhausting the database server’s resources. I started encountering the error:

FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication super-users

$ SELECT usename, count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity group by usename;
|  usename   | count |
| instance_1 |    48 |
| instance_2 |    56 |
| postgres   |    10 |
| instance_3 |    17 |
| rdsadmin   |     3 |
| instance_4 |    53 |

By observing these connections, it became clear that they are opened and not closed, with almost all of them remaining in an idle state.

We first attempted to use the SQL_MAX_IDLE_CONNS setting as described here, but this didn’t work; setting this variable didn’t make any difference.

Our idea was to use PgBouncer in transaction pool mode to avoid this large number of open connections, but the airbyte/temporal services didn’t behave well when running behind PgBouncer.

The error I’m seeing is:

pq: bind message supplies X parameters, but prepared statement \"\" requires Y

After researching this issue further, I discovered that this is happening because of prepared statements, which by default do not work with this type of DB connection pooling. One potential solution is to use SQL_CONNECT_ATTRIBUTES=binary_parameters=yes, but nothing changed; it seems that airbyte/temporal is not using this connection attribute.

The full log can be found here.

Some questions I have:

  1. Is this large number of database connections expected?
  2. Should Temporal work when running behind PgBouncer, or is this a pattern that should be avoided?

Links to identical and similar issues:

Relevant log output