Unable to understand how workflow.signalWithStart() works

In the doc, one of the examples is - to start and signal a workflow at the same time

here is the link : TypeScript SDK developer's guide - Features | Temporal Documentation

but from what I understand, we need to specify the taskQueue - where our workflow will be placed onto for scheduling it’s wf-tasks

Where is that option this signalWithStart() method ? Is that not necessary in this case ?

Please take it up from the begging in case I have understood something incorrectly

Here is an example of how to use signalWithStart:

  await client.workflow.signalWithStart(myWorkflow, {
    args: [wfArg1, wfArg2],
    taskQueue: 'q',   // <--- Here is the task queue
    signal: signalDef,
    signalArgs: [signalArg1, signalArg2],

WorkflowOptions are embedded into the Interface: WorkflowSignalWithStartOptionsWithArgs<SignalArgs> | Temporal TypeScript SDK API Reference and Interface: WorkflowSignalWithStartOptionsWithoutArgs<SignalArgs> | Temporal TypeScript SDK API Reference, which are the interfaces for the options for signalWithStart and take a taskQueue.

If the workflow is already started, the signal will be delivered to it on whatever task queue it currently uses.

Note that signal with start will only start the workflow if it isn’t already running, otherwise it only delivers a signal to an existing workflow, addressing it by its ID.

But the documentation is missing this parameter in usage of signalWithStart

I understand but if task queue is not provided as per code example in doc link I have provided and at the same time - wf has not started - which task queue will wf be used with.

The documentation is wrong, you must provide a task queue

Issue has been resolved since now, the documentation has been updated.