Unit testing of activity ScheduleToCloseTimeout


Some background:
I’m creating a workflow with execution time limit (aka SLA). If the workflow is executed for too long, some clean-up activity needs to be executed before completing the workflow. I’m going to set ScheduleToCloseTimeout for each activity with remaining workflow time. Eventually, if either activity is terminated due to timeout or there is no remaining workflow time, workflow will execute the clean-up process (please advise if there is a better way to implement it)

While trying to test workflow’s activity ScheduleToCloseTimeout, I found it doesn’t work.
In the example below, I’d expect use case “// delay 2 hours …” returns timeout error. Please let me know if I’m missing something.

func yourActivity(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
	return "result", nil

func (s *UnitTestSuite) Test_MockActivityWait() {
	workflowFn := func(ctx workflow.Context) error {
		ao := workflow.ActivityOptions{
			ScheduleToCloseTimeout: 1 * time.Hour,
		ctx = workflow.WithActivityOptions(ctx, ao)

		var result string
		err := workflow.ExecuteActivity(ctx, yourActivity).Get(ctx, &result)
		return err

	// no delay to the mock call, workflow should return no error
	env := s.NewTestWorkflowEnvironment()
	env.OnActivity(yourActivity, mock.Anything).Return("mock result1", nil)


	// delay 2 hours, which is longer than the 1h timer, and workflow should return error.
	env = s.NewTestWorkflowEnvironment()
	env.OnActivity(yourActivity, mock.Anything).After(time.Hour*2).Return("mock result12", nil)


I am quite interested in a solution here as well. I’d really like to be able to test my workflow logic that is trying to handle a ScheduleToCloseTimeout on an Activity gracefully. I’d prefer to let my test environment naturally raise such a timeout error, so that I have confidence that my code is catching the right thing. Currently I’m returning a NewTimeoutError() from an OnActivity for this particular activity. So all I’m really testing is that the specific error I fake in test is the error I catch in real code. Not a good test case.