Updating mocked activity's return value


I’m testing a workflow with the Python SDK and following those docs. The workflow I’m testing uses two activities. I’ve mocked both in the style provided here but I’m running into a new issue with one of these. I need to update the return value of the first activity. In the past, I’ve updated the return values of mocks using unittest.mock, (mock_function.return_value = “new value”) but I can’t find a way to mock temporal activities using that method. Has anyone encountered this before?

As a brief example- activity_one checks the status of some data. activity_two updates that data. activity_one runs again, and I would like it to return the updated data the second time.

activity_one --> returns "false"
activity_two --> updates data to "true"
activity_one --> returns "true"

activity_one is defined as:

async def activity_one_mocked(input: data_id) -> bool:
    return false

Which works brilliantly the first time, but needs to be updated to return true

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Maybe a bit of a hack but you could in your mock activity get activity id via

this is incremented (starting at 1) by worker for each scheduled activity, in your case first call to activity_one would get 1, and 3 for second call if this helps