Why describe on some of temporal gRPC methods returns errors?

So I’ve setup temporal in Kubernetes, trying to address it from outside cluster via Ingress.

grpcurl my-temporal-instance.in.k8s:443 list

grpcurl my-temporal-instance.in.k8s:443 describe
grpc.health.v1.Health is a service:
service Health {
  rpc Check ( .grpc.health.v1.HealthCheckRequest ) returns ( .grpc.health.v1.HealthCheckResponse );
  rpc Watch ( .grpc.health.v1.HealthCheckRequest ) returns ( stream .grpc.health.v1.HealthCheckResponse );
grpc.reflection.v1.ServerReflection is a service:
service ServerReflection {
  rpc ServerReflectionInfo ( stream .grpc.reflection.v1.ServerReflectionRequest ) returns ( stream .grpc.reflection.v1.ServerReflectionResponse );
grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflection is a service:
service ServerReflection {
  rpc ServerReflectionInfo ( stream .grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflectionRequest ) returns ( stream .grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflectionResponse );
Failed to resolve symbol "temporal.api.operatorservice.v1.OperatorService": Symbol not found: temporal.api.operatorservice.v1.OperatorService

grpcurl my-temporal-instance.in.k8s:443 describe grpc.health.v1.Health
grpc.health.v1.Health is a service:
service Health {
  rpc Check ( .grpc.health.v1.HealthCheckRequest ) returns ( .grpc.health.v1.HealthCheckResponse );
  rpc Watch ( .grpc.health.v1.HealthCheckRequest ) returns ( stream .grpc.health.v1.HealthCheckResponse );

grpcurl my-temporal-instance.in.k8s:443 describe temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.WorkflowService
Failed to resolve symbol "temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.WorkflowService": Symbol not found: temporal.api.workflowservice.v1.WorkflowService

so ‘list’ lists 6 services: 3 of which have one prefix and the other 3 have another.
‘describe’ command succeeds with the former 3, but returns error for the latter 3.