Worker error with .mul is not a function

So those suggestions didn’t seem to fix the problem, but after some help, the problem seems to be the way that we build our Docker containers that run these workers in our deployments. Specifically, we have a line where we do RUN yarn workspaces focus --production @temporal-workflows, causing the container to only install dependencies, but not devDependencies. We tried running RUN yarn workspaces focus --all @scale/temporal-workflows instead, which seems to work.

What happens here is that the number passed in to this line (sdk-typescript/time.ts at main · temporalio/sdk-typescript · GitHub) is a Long when running with --all, but is just a Javascript number when running with --production.

We tried moving all the devDependencies to dependencies in our repositories package.json files, but this still didn’t fix the issue, so it led us to believe that it’s a possibility the error stems from within the temporalio typescript SDK package not having a dependency listed (possibly long listed here sdk-typescript/package.json at main · temporalio/sdk-typescript · GitHub). We also had a similar problem earlier where for some reason long had to be specified as a dependency in our root package.json, even though we were only using temporalio in a package located within our packages/ folder (and specifying long in that package’s package.json didn’t work either).

Curious if you guys have suggestions moving forward about how to best remedy this/test if this is the case? We were running into issues building/installing your typescript SDK package locally (so that we could use this) to verify.