I have a workflow created for user registration. I am having problems as the workflow is not getting completed end-to-end. Further details below. All code is in python using fastAPI
- I have a website which takes input for user reg.
- The Post on the website triggers the Workflow.
- I start the worker job separately
- Once “submit” is clicked on the website the post is triggered.
- Based on my custom logging I can see the - POST method triggering the workflow which in turn triggers the activity however at this point the “Worker” job is existed and nothing happens further.
- On the workflow class I have start_to_close timeout at 600 sec.
Snippet of the log below - I dont see any error not even in the UI.
Can anyone explain whats going on if i am doing something wrong
Note: the log below is truncated for sensitive info
============================LOG ==============================
12:42:21,708 - INFO -app-log - Worker initiated for user registration
2024-09-08 12:42:37,947 - INFO -app-log - Landing page rendered.
2024-09-08 12:42:43,629 - DEBUG -watchfiles.main - 1 change detected: {(<Change.modified: 2>, ‘C:\temporal_http\app.log’)}
2024-09-08 12:42:50,451 - INFO -app-log - Form data submitted with parameter ==> username
2024-09-08 12:42:50,795 - INFO -app-log - Connection to temporal server completed.
2024-09-08 12:42:50,796 - INFO -app-log - Workflow starting.
2024-09-08 12:42:50,907 - INFO -app-log - Executing workflow => RegisterUser.
2024-09-08 12:42:50,928 - DEBUG -temporalio.worker._activity - Running activity register_user (token b’\n$fa3ac80e-340c-4ee8-b33a-c26b9462df05\x12\x16user_register_workflow\x1a$8c169dd6-7682-4df6-b816-45fb56948063 \x05(\x012\x011B\rregister_userJ\x08\x08\x01\x10\x9b\x80@\x18\x01’)
2024-09-08 12:42:50,928 - DEBUG -temporalio.activity - Starting activity ({‘activity_id’: ‘1’, ‘activity_type’: ‘register_user’, ‘attempt’: 1, ‘namespace’: ‘default’, ‘task_queue’: ‘user_register_queue’, ‘workflow_id’: ‘user_register_workflow’, ‘workflow_run_id’: ‘8c169dd6-7682-4df6-b816-45fb56948063’, ‘workflow_type’: ‘RegisterUser’})
2024-09-08 12:42:50,928 - INFO -app-log - User registration activity initiated.
2024-09-08 12:42:50,929 - INFO -app-log - Working on user username
2024-09-08 12:42:52,469 - DEBUG -watchfiles.main - 1 change detected: {(<Change.modified: 2>, ‘C:\temporal_http\app.log’)}
2024-09-08 12:42:52,826 - DEBUG -watchfiles.main - 1 change detected: {(<Change.modified: 2>, ‘C:\\temporal_http\app.log’)}
2024-09-08 12:42:53,443 - DEBUG -watchfiles.main - 1 change detected: {(<Change.modified: 2>, ‘C:\temporal_http\app.log’)}
2024-09-08 12:43:50,868 - DEBUG -watchfiles.main - 1 change detected: {(<Change.modified: 2>, ‘C:\\temporal_http\app.log’)}
2024-09-08 12:44:59,072 - DEBUG -watchfiles.main - 3 changes detected: {(<Change.added: 1>, ‘C:\temporal_http\worker.py~’), (<Change.modified: 2>, ‘C\temporal_http\worker.py’), (<Change.deleted: 3>, ‘C:\temporal_http\worker.py~’)}
2024-09-08 12:59:36,836 - DEBUG -asyncio - Using proactor: IocpProactor
2024-09-08 12:59:37,170 - INFO -app-log - Worker initiated for user registration
2024-09-08 12:59:37,434 - DEBUG -temporalio.worker._activity - Running activity register_user (token b’\n$fa3ac80e-340c-4ee8-b33a-c26b9462df05\x12\x16user_register_workflow\x1a$8c169dd6-7682-4df6-b816-45fb56948063 \x05(\x022\x011B\rregister_userJ\x08\x08\x01\x10\x9e\x80@\x18\x01’)
2024-09-08 12:59:37,434 - DEBUG -temporalio.activity - Starting activity ({‘activity_id’: ‘1’, ‘activity_type’: ‘register_user’, ‘attempt’: 2, ‘namespace’: ‘default’, ‘task_queue’: ‘user_register_queue’, ‘workflow_id’: ‘user_register_workflow’, ‘workflow_run_id’: ‘8c169dd6-7682-4df6-b816-45fb56948063’, ‘workflow_type’: ‘RegisterUser’})
2024-09-08 12:59:37,434 - INFO -app-log - User registration activity initiated.
2024-09-08 12:59:37,434 - INFO -app-log - Working on user