Workflow summary monitoring (solutions comparison)

Hey guys!

I am going through a hard time picking between workflow solutions tradeoffs, and I will expose the main ones here. There are some reasons why I’m searching for a workflow solution with these potential benefits:

  • monitor active/pending processes
  • request human tasks at right times
  • schedule things (send email/messages)
  • bring order to complex workflows (wait for parallel events, timers, etc)
  • change my workflows rapidly, add or change notifications and other tasks without too much trouble for high develop iteractions
  • analyze business workflow and discover points of failure/success (not only programmatic tasks, but human related too)

Temporal and Camunda are the ones I’m opting between.

did not dig put my hands on with temporal yet, but I’ll do that soon. But maybe some expertise of yours could bring me light for some of my concerns:

By the docs I’ve already went through, Temporal looks to do good with every point but the last one:

  • analyze business workflow and discover points of failure/success (not only programmatic tasks, but human related too)

because with a BPMN engine I could have some way to visualize reports/renders over already visually built processes with stuff like this or this camunda visualizations

It is important for me to have a clear way to visualize my workflow as a whole and where it fails to find where are my churn points, and focus on improving them (human interaction times, interaction type, etc)

But I just loved Temporal DX and effectiveness. Perhaps if I could just solve or have some guidance about this analytics issue, there would not have trade offs at all.

Example of one of my workflows (my organization is proposing to pick the best venue based on costumer requirements)

New costumer order →
Notify we received the order + Human pick the best places (parallel) →
Notify the list has finished →
Has more than one venue on list? Continue : End
If costumer doesn’t access the list in one day do something →
If costumer doesn’t react at all for 3 days do other something →
If positive reaction do this… continued

Do you have some advice about these concerns or some experience to share about them?

Your workflows can emit business level events (by executing activities) to an external system for analysis.

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